Sunday 24 April 2016

A visionary leader's advice

Image courtesy : wikipedia

On 27 September 1951, KM Munshi then Agriculture minister told the State Directors of Agricultural extension:

"Study the Life's cycle in the village under your charge in both its aspects - hydrological and nutritional. Find out where the cycle has been disturbed and estimate the steps necessary for restoring it. Workout the village in four of its aspects,
(1) existing conditions

(2) Steps necessary for completing the hydrological cycle,

(3) steps necessary to complete the nutritional cycle and a complete picture of the village when the cycle is restored, and

(4) have faith in yourself and the programme.

Nothing is too mean and nothing too difficult for the man who believes that the restoration of the life's cycle is not only essential for freedom and happiness of India but is essential for her very existence".

Info courtesy : The violence of green revolution

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