Saturday 28 May 2022

Himam Pasand Mango

 @Sadhana Organic Nature Gardens . We are in the thick of the Mango season. But, there are hardly any fruits this year. A disastrous Mango season in Tamilnadu. So, each fruit that has survived is a precious one. Sadhana is harvesting one such precious Himam Pasand Mango today. A perfect specimen. Mature, flawless, rare. Mother Nature's Blessing

organic Turmeric


26 May 2022. Planting season for organic Turmeric has started at @Sadhana Organic Nature Gardens . Sadhana, our green fingers, planted the first turmeric seed. Our farm ladies will complete the process in about 2 weeks. The farm produces the best quality organic Turmeric Powder. The farm produces and sells organic Raw Turmeric, Turmeric seeds and Turmeric Powder

Sugarcane plantation : Ring Pit Method


At Sadhana Organic Nature Gardens, we are expanding our sugarcane crop, due to the extreme popularity of our jaggery powder produced from our organic sugarcane. We do it in the Ring Pit Method. This method optimises the utilisation of the bio nutrients, by restricting their application to the rhizosphere of the plants in the pit. Also, the soil in the pit becomes nutrient and microbe rich, resulting in very healthy sugarcane plants.