Saturday 30 January 2016

Different types of Farming:

Chemical Farming - is the farming of the mind. The complete purpose is to maximise the production at any cost...

Organic Farming -is the farming of the intellect. The whole idea is to develop alternatives for all the natural processes of farming -with the objective of controlling the inputs/outputs of farming.

Natural Farming -where all the nutrients required for the growth and development of tress and crops are supplied by nature, and not by human beings -Nature does farming, farmers enable it. Natural farming means to conserve and establish the totality of the nature in your farm. Its a Sadhana that purifies the soul and make it come alive. When soul is active -it controls the mind and intellect.

Spiritual Farming -farming by/through soul. Farming that is done by God though its system of nature-its completely God/Nature depended. No techniques, no exploitation, no expectations, etc. Spiritual farming is a mean to see and be connected with the God through nature…To practice natural farming with complete devotion and bhakti is spiritual farming.

courtesty : shruti vijnan acharyakulam

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